Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Włodzimierz Piątkowski

Head of the Department of Sociology of Medicine and Family at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. He is also the founder (1995) and the head of the Independent Medical Sociology Unit at the Medical University in Lublin. Prof. nadz. dr hab. Piątkowski is especially interested in sociology of health, health promotion, sociology of medicine, sociology of non-medical treatment, and ecosociology. In 1990, he was elected a coordinator of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (ESHMS) in Poland. From 2001 to January 2013, he acted as the President of the Polish Sociological Association’s Section for Health and Medical Sociology. From the academic year 2005/2006, he has been a consultant of the Polish-American Fulbright Commission managing the Lane Kirkland Scholarship Programme. Editor and creator of the Sociology of Health and Illness section in the Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine quarterly journal. Initiator and manager of the National Science Centre’s grant “The problem of women attending cervical smear tests in Poland. An attempt of the socio-medical analysis” (OPUS3, 2011/03 / B / HS6). Author of over 240 scientific publications (including articles with Impact Factor of 3,06 and 25 points from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education) and the monograph Beyond Medicine. Non Medical Methods of Treatment in Poland published in the USA and Germany and reviewed, inter alia, in the Medical Sociology Online journal (Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2013). On 7th January 2014, professor W. Piątkowski was awarded the Lublin Edmund Prost’s Science Prize. Professor Włodzimierz Piątkowski is also the head of the scientific team developing the Polish part of the international sociological surveys “Healthy Homes Barometer” (HHB2016), conducted by Velux Group and coordinated by the Humboldt University in Berlin, on a sample of 14,000 respondents in 14 European countries.

Professor Włodzimierz Piątkowski