On 14 January 2019 a cooperation agreement between ScanBalt fmba and the Lublin Medicine Cluster was signed. ScanBalt Health Region is a flagship initiative of the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy. The flagship promotes Cross-Sectoral and Transnational Projects in the field of Innovation in Health and Life Sciences.
The main activities of ScanBalt are:
▪ Think Tank: Generating ideas among companies, regions, clusters and funding sources;
▪ Accelerator: Promoting projects, coordination of funding sources, smart specialization;
▪ Match-making: Facilitating contacts among health care providers, companies, investors and decision makers;
▪ Communication: ScanBalt News (monthly), ScanBalt Business Club Information (monthly), dedicated websites, social media, direct mailing.
Cooperation of the Lublin Medicine Cluster with ScanBalt fmba will include, among others:
▪ exchange of expertise and relevant experience concerning the activities supporting the development of entrepreneurship;
▪ exchange of expertise and relevant experience concerning fostering the development of scientific research, innovation and its commercialization.
This cooperation will be carried out in particular by meetings of the Parties representatives and meetings of representatives from scientific and business entities, as well as by information exchange and participation in common projects.
In order to facilitate consultations, knowledge exchange, mutal learning and common project preparation, the Lublin Medicine Cluster is granted a 1-year free membership in ScanBalt. This will also enable cooperation with ScanBlt to all the members of the Lublin Medicine Cluster.