Another meeting of Cluster members within the “InnoDesign” project

This time, we gathered at the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska, hosted by the Deputy Director, Mr Dariusz Oleński, along with the Head of the Organisational and Legal Department, Ms Magdalena Us, and the Specialist in the Department of Medical Services and Projects, Ms Emilia Osak.

The hospital representatives shared their experiences regarding the design and implementation of investments, process management, work organisation, and projects aimed at providing the highest quality services to patients in response to their needs, in line with the latest global trends in healthcare. Cluster members visited various units within the hospital, including the Home Hospital facility, familiarising themselves with the organisation of work and the solutions implemented there.

It is worth noting that the Biała Podlaska Hospital collaborates with international partners, leveraging their expertise in architectural and organisational design. An example of such collaboration is the partnership with a hospital in Tokyo, Japan, which has resulted in the implementation of organisational solutions and design elements used within the hospital.

The field meeting of the Cluster was attended by:

  • Marzena Strok-Sadło – Member of the Board of the Lublin Medicine Cluster;
  • Michał Szabelski – General Director of the University Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin;
  • Krzysztof Łyda – Deputy Director for Finance and Development of the University Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lublin;
  • Dr inż. Andrzej Graboś – Deputy Director for Infrastructure of the University Children’s Hospital in Lublin;
  • Dr inż. arch. Bartłomiej Kwiatkowski, Professor at Lublin University of Technology – Dean for Student Affairs in the Architecture Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture;
  • Dr hab. inż. arch. Natalia Przesmycka, Professor at Lublin University of Technology – Head of the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture;
  • Dr inż. arch. Rafał Strojny – Department of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Lublin University of Technology.

The meeting served as an inspiration for all participants to engage in new initiatives and collaborate on joint projects. We extend our gratitude to everyone for their involvement and active participation, particularly to our host, Mr Dariusz Oleński, Deputy Director of the Biała Podlaska Hospital, and Mr Michał Szabelski, Director of the University Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin, for ensuring transportation for the participants.