Prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Zubilewicz

Head of Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiology of  Medical University in Lublin.

Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical Academy in Lublin.  He is a specialist in vascular surgery and angiology and second-degree specialist in general surgery. Moreover, prof Zubilewicz completed speciality in vascular surgery at ReneDescartes University (Paris, 1998) and holds European Certificate for Endovascular Surgery (Paris, 1998), European Certificate for Endovascular Procedures (Liverpool, 1998), European Certificate Masterclass  in Vascular Surgery (Pontresina, 2009).

He was awarded i.a.: Reinaldo dos Santos Prize (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2004), MLATH International Congress Prize (Montpellier, France, 1996) , Prof. Węgłowski Prize (Polish Society of Angiology (Cracow, 2002). Prof. Zubilewicz is an author and co-author of 321 research papers published in Polish and international journals, an author and co-author of three chapters in English-language textbooks. Co-author of the commentary to the chapter of textbook “Vascular Surgery”, academically edited by prof. Wojciech Noszczyk. Content editor of 6 textbooks translations from French in Vascular Surgery, Angiology and Flebology. Editor of two editions of a textbook for general practitioners “How to manage arterial diseases” (Via Medica, 2009), “How to manage venous diseases” (Via Medica, 2009). An author and co-author of 159 conference communications presented at national and international congresses, including 28 lectures delivered upon invitation (13 international conferences). He was a long-term specialised academic trainee in Vascular Surgery (Creteil, France, 1997-1998) and in Doppler ultrasonography examination (Grenoble, France, 1995). Prof. Zubilewicz in 1993, 2001 and 2003 received academic grants of European Society if Vascular Surgery (ESVS) in Creteil, France (2001) and in 1998 training grant of French Society of Vascular Diseases, Endovascular Course (Liverpool, 1998). He acts as a Head of Polish Society of Flebology. He is also a former Head of Polish Section of American Society for Vascular Surgery. Member of the Society of Polish Surgeons, Polish Society for Vascular Surgery, European Society for Vascular Surgery, International Society of Endovascular Specialists, Polish Society for Angiology, Societe Francaise de Phlebologie, Polish and French Society for Vascular Diseases, Polish and German Society for Vascular Surgery and Mediterranean League Against Thrombosis.

Since 2015 prof. Zubilewicz has been a Member of the Board of I Medical Faculty of Medical University in Lublin and since 2016 he has been a Member of the Senate of Medical University in Lublin. District consultant in Vascular Surgery. Senior editor of the journal Acta Angiologica (since 2015) and associate editor of Phlebological Review. A former member of Editorial Board of Polish Surgery Journal. The reviewer in journals: „Polski Przegląd Chirurgiczny” (Polish Journal of Surgery), “Chirurgia Polska” (Polish Surgery), “Kardiologia Polska” (Polish Heart Journal) and International Journal of Dermatology.