Lublin Medicine Cluster at the 19th National Games for Transplant and Dialysis Patients

On June 14th, we were invited by Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sportu po Transplantacji (the Board of the Polish Transplant Sports Association), led by President Krystyna Murdzek, to participate in the Opening Ceremony of the Games at the MOSiR athletics stadium in Lublin. The National Games for Transplant and Dialysis Patients bring together participants from across Poland, showcasing that through transplants, one can lead an active and fulfilling life.

We warmly commend the initiative of the Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sportu po Transplantacji which aims to promote conscious organ donation through physical activity and sport. Congratulations to all participants who, having received a second chance, embrace life to the fullest and serve as an inspiring example to us all.

As part of the Games, in Lublin from June 13th to 15th, there were track and field, swimming, tennis, and steel dart competitions alongside many other attractions, such as visiting the Palace in Kozłówka and a multimedia fountain show at the Litewski Square in Lublin, providing participants with opportunities for competition and integration.

The organization of the event was supported by Univeristy of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin – a member of the Lublin Medicine Cluster, including Vice-Rector Prof. Zbigniew Pastuszak, who wholeheartedly contributed to the preparation of the Games.

For more information about the activities of the Polish Transplant Sports Association, please visit the Association’s Facebook profile.